Friday, February 25, 2011

New with paintball? Interested in getting a paintball gun?

If completly new with paintballing, or you just went paintballing and really like it, whatever it is, and you want to get your own gun, well first ask yourself these questions.
1. How much/ often will you paintball?
2. Will you have the money to go paintballing very often?
3. Are you nearby a local paintball field?
4. Will you still like paintball after a little time?
5. Do you have friendds or family that like paintballing?
These questions are just 5 questions to think about. If you answered no to all of them, i wouldnt get a paintball gun, I would just use rentals, or borrow from someone you know that has a paintball gun. I go paintballing about at least once every 2 months, so its worth it to get a gun, because it would be less expensive to own a gun instead of renting one every single time. I would also recommend buying paintballs somewhwere to buy paintballs. Because when you buy paintballs from whatever park you are at, they are always a little over priced than what they need to be. I would recommend buyong off or going to a local store like sports challet, or big 5 to get paintballs. My favorite place to go paintballing is paintball USA, and they sell 2000 paintballs for $60. I can get the same great quality paintballs for $39.99 at Big 5.
But of course there isnt anything wrong with just buying at the park. But if you are going to go a bit bigger, and are interested in getting a paintball gun, go to amazon, big 5 or sports challet. Amazon normally has the best deals. I got my Victor off amazon for $90, plus 6 pods, a 20 oz tank, a heavy duty holster that holds all the pods and tank on my waist and back, an anti fog mask, and a squegee for all 90 bucks, a really awesome deal, the gun itself would have been $100, and i got it for $90, plus all the accesories. Really awesome.
The gun works amazingly too!

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